Hotel Policies
Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong strives to provide our guests with an exceptionally clean, comfortable, and convenient hotel experience. These Hotel Policies / House Rules are considered part of our reservation agreement with you. As our hotel guest, and as upon your check-in, you are agreeing to abide by ALL our Hotel Policies / House Rules, terms and conditions, and procedures, and we reserve the right to refuse service, or to make a charge to the guest’s card if any fees are assessed for damages or not complying with Hotel Policies / House Rules. The Management of Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong would greatly appreciate your co-operation in abiding the following, as we value each of our guest’s safety and enjoyment. Our Hotel Policies / House Rules may change from time to time.
Damage Policies
DAMAGE AND / OR THEFT OF HOTEL PROPERTY: You are liable for any damage howsoever caused (whether by deliberate, negligent, or reckless act) to the room(s), hotel’s premises or property caused by you or any person in your party, whether or not staying at the hotel during your stay. Crest Wave Boutique Hotel reserves the right to retain your credit card and/or debit card details or forfeit your security deposit of THB2000 as presented at registration and charge or debit the credit/debit card such amounts as it shall, at its sole discretion, deem necessary to compensate or make good the cost or expenses incurred or suffered by Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong as a result of the aforesaid. Should this damage come to light after the guest has departed, we reserve the right, and you hereby authorize us, to charge your credit or debit card for any damage incurred to your room or the Hotel property during your stay, including and without limitation for all property damage, missing or damaged items, smoking fee, cleaning fee, guest compensation, etc. We will make every effort to rectify any damage internally prior to contracting specialist to make the repairs, and therefore will make every effort to keep any costs that the guest would incur to a minimum.
DAMAGE TO ROOM: Damage to rooms, fixtures, furnishing, and equipment including the removal of electronic equipment, towels, artwork, etc. will be charged at 300% of full and new replacement value plus any shipping and handling charges. Any damage to hotel property, whether accidental or willful, is the responsibility of the registered guest for each particular room. Any costs associated with repairs and/or replacement will be charged to the credit card of the registered guest. In extreme cases, criminal charges will be pursued.
DAMAGE TO MATTRESSES AND BEDDING: Damage to mattresses and linen including towels, mattress pads, sheets, bedspreads, blankets resulting from the use of body oils, make-up, shoe-polish, etc. will result in a charge at 150% of full and new replacement value plus any shipping and handling charges, for the special cleaning, repair or replacement of the damaged article.
DAMAGE OR TAMPERING WITH FIRE DETECTION SYSTEMS / FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT: Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong reserves the right to act against any guest or visitor found to have tampered or interfered with any detection equipment throughout the hotel, including detector heads in public areas, guest rooms, break glass points and fire extinguishers. Guests or visitors found to have tampered with any fire detection or fire-fighting equipment will be charged with any costs incurred by the hotel due to their actions and will be evicted from the hotel. Depending on the severity of the guests’ actions, law enforcement may become involved at the hotel’s discretion. Should the fact that firefighting or detection equipment had been tampered with come to light after the guest has departed, we reserve the right and you hereby authorize us to charge your credit or debit card for any damage incurred to your room or the Hotel property during your stay, including and without limitation for all property damage, missing or damaged items, smoking fee, cleaning fee, guest compensation, etc.
INFESTATION: The cleanliness of our rooms is extremely important to us, and our guests. If you bring any infestation into your room or onto our hotel premises, we may charge you for any and all costs and expenses, including immediate or urgent response requirements and loss of room revenue, that we deem necessary to address the infestation.
Guest Policies
CHECK-IN REQUIREMENTS: Guests must be at least 18 years of age to check in at Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong. In the interests of security and to prevent fraud, guests are required to confirm their identity by providing their valid government issued photo identification (Passport and/or Identification Card (IC/D)) at check-in.
CHECK-OUT TIME: 12:00PM. Check-outs past 6:00PM will be subject to a full-day’s rate. However, if you would like to request for a later check-out time, please inform Front Desk by 10:00AM on the date of check-out. Late check-outs are subject to availability and may be chargeable.
CHILDREN: As the parents, guardians, or chaperones of children aged 12 and under, you are personally and legally responsible for, and must always supervise them. For safety reasons, please do not leave children unattended in guest rooms or allow them to roam the hotel property unsupervised.
DEPOSIT: A security deposit of THB2000 CASH is required to make an individual room reservation. However, this deposit is refundable provided there are no lost or damaged items from the room occupied during your stay.
DURIAN & MANGOSTEEN: Durians and/or mangosteens are NOT permitted on hotel grounds. Violation of this rule will be subject to a fine of THB500.
EARLY CHECK-IN / PRE-REGISTRATION: Early check-in is offered based on availability. If you require a guaranteed check-in for arrival prior to 2:00PM, then pre-registration and payment may be required. Please contact Front Desk staff directly to make reservations requiring early check-in at +66 076 603 090
EARLY DEPARTURE: Guests who check out of the hotel after 12:00PM and prior to their scheduled departure date are subject to an early departure fee of one night, plus tax.
GUEST REGISTRATION: We require valid contact information from the guest making the reservations including first and last name, address, phone number, email, and signature. The names of all guests occupying the room must be registered as well.
QUIET HOURS: 10:00PM to 8:00AM. If you become aware of a disruptive guest, please contact Front Desk staff immediately by phone or in person. Televisions, voices, or other devices must be kept at a respectful low level at all times. Doors should be opened and closed quietly. No congregating or running in halls.
PETS: Quality Beach Resorts and Spa Patong does NOT provide accommodations for pets. Pets are not allowed.
PAYMENT: We accept Visa and Master Card. Pursuant to credit card agreements; credit cards are not valid unless signed by the cardholder. Credit cards must be signed. Cash (THB) payment is welcomed. All guests are required to present a valid government issued photo identification even if guests are planning on paying in cash upon check-out. Cheques and foreign currency are not accepted.
RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE: Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong is privately owned and operated. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason(s) that does not violate Federal or State laws Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong has a zero tolerance policy in which we will refuse to admit or refuse service or accommodation in our hotel or may remove a person, without refund, who refuses to abide by the reasonable standards and policies established by Thailand Law and the owners for the operation and management of the hotel. Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong will refuse service or evict a guest: for refusal or failure to pay for accommodations; is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other intoxicating substance and acts in a disorderly fashion as to disturb the peace of other guests or is not in compliance with Thailand state liquor laws; acts in a disorderly fashion as to disturb the peace of other guests; is unable to properly supervise their children at all times; seeks to use the hotel for an unlawful purpose; seeks to bring into the hotel: an unlawfully possessed firearm; or something, including an explosive or hazardous or toxic substance, that is unlawful to possess and that may be dangerous to other persons; destroys, damages, defaces, or threatens harm to hotel property or guests; causes or permits persons to exceed the maximum allowable occupancy of room; refuses to abide by the reasonable standards or policies established by Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong for the operation and management of our hotel.
SPECIAL REQUESTS: We will make every effort to honour special requests such as a specific floor or room number, adjacent rooms, roll-away beds, etc. upon your arrival. All special requests are noted on reservations, and we will do our best to accommodate. However, the availability of these items cannot be guaranteed in advance.
Lost and Found
LOST & FOUND POLICY: Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong assumes no liability for lost, misplaced, stolen, or damaged valuables or belongings. If you discover that you have left behind something of value to you, please call us immediately 076 603 090 or email: and we will try to assist you in locating your lost item.
FOUND ITEMS: Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong is not responsible for any item left behind by a guest. However, any item, with the exception of perishable items, left behind by our guests and found after departure by Housekeeping will be collected, logged in, and kept in a secure location for collection by the owner for up to thirty (30) days. Reasonable effort will be made to notify the guest that an item has found. Perishable items, underwear, and miscellaneous toiletries will be discarded.
RETURN: We would be happy to return your lost item(s) to you. Your credit card will be charged packaging and postage, plus a 25% handling fee. A separate receipt will be mailed to you. Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong is not responsible for any item lost or misdirected during shipment.
UNCLAIMED ITEMS / NO CONTACT: Lost & Found items are held for thirty (30) days while we attempt to contact the guest. If guest contact information is incorrect or mobile phone mailbox is full and we are unable to contact the guest during the thirty (30) day holding period, the unclaimed item(s) are thrown away, given to local organizations, or disposed of accordingly by Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong.
ENFORCEMENT: All staff are trained and required to respond to potential violations of our Hotel Policy / House Rules. Guests who refuse to abide by the reasonable standards and policies established by Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong for safety of all guests, staff, owners, property, and the operation and management of the hotel will be evicted, with no refund. In addition to the room charge, a minimum THB2,000.00 cleaning fee per room will be charged for infraction(s) of our Hotel Policy / House Rules.
FREE Wi-Fi ACCESS: Access to our Wi-Fi is free for our registered guests. The hotel Wi-Fi access code is subject to change without notice. Wi-Fi signals are subject to change without notice depending on the room’s location, the status of our Wi-Fi-equipment, and interference from other local wireless signals. Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong assumes no liability for guest use.
Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong provide a free parking area available at a location nearby.
TERMS & CONDITIONS: Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong makes its best efforts to ensure that all the information that appears on its website is accurate. However, no warranty, expressed or implied, is given that the information provided on this website is error free. Crest Wave Boutique Hotel does not accept liability for any errors and/or omissions and reserves the right to change the information published at any time and without notice.
Room Policies
ADDITIONAL BEDDING: A limited number of rollaway beds available upon request, and subject to availability. The charge is THB1500 each, per day. Maximum capacity of rollaway bed is one (1) per room. Please note that not all rooms can be furnished with extra beds due to different room arrangements and orientations.
DO-NOT DISTURB & ACCESS TO ROOMS: To provide all of our guests with an exceptionally clean and safe hotel experience, we provide daily housekeeping. Our Housekeeping Staff will honour the “Do Not Disturb” door sign once during a thirty-six-hour period indicating that the room is occupied. The Housekeeping Staff is required to enter the room at subsequent times to clean the room, check for safety, and verify the condition of the room. Management reserves the right to enter a room with a known status of “Do Not Disturb” for reasonable purposes, such as an emergency, housekeeping, maintenance, verify that the room, its furnishings, and mechanical equipment are intact, or to address or prevent a violation of our Hotel Policies / House Rules. In the event of suspected illegal activity, management reserves the right to summon law enforcement to aid in eviction. The right to privacy ends when a Hotel Policy / House Rule is broken. Law enforcement will be granted immediate access to hotel property and rooms of evicted guests.
CANDLE, INCENSE, ESSENTIAL OILS: Candle, incense, essential oils (diffusing, vaporizing, etc.) are prohibited. These items and activities will be treated as smoking, a fine assessed, and the guest may be evicted with no refunds.
COOKING, COOKING APPLIANCES, COMBUSTIBLES, OR FIREWORKS: The safety of our guests, staff, and this facility is extremely important to us. Preparation of food in guest rooms by any type of cooking appliances is prohibited. A minimum fee of THB2000 will be charged for cooking in a room, including, but not limited to coffee makers, hot plates, toaster ovens, water heaters, rice cookers, combustible, open flame, barbecue grill, burners, heating appliance, or any other item intended for cooking. Open fires, flames, or cooking grills, either charcoal or gas, and fireworks are not allowed anywhere on hotel property.
HOUSEKEEPING / ROOM INSPECTION: Housekeeping is provided daily between the hours of 10:00 AM to 5:00PM. This is a 100 % NON-SMOKING in room hotel smoking on Balcony is permitted only with doors closed to the room. (See above for what is included as “smoking”). Rooms are cleaned and inspected daily, and a detailed log is maintained on each room and linen. Rooms are rented to guests in appropriate condition without any prohibited odour. Housekeeping and Front Desk staff are trained and skilled in identifying the odours from prohibited items. If our investigation concludes that you have smoked in your room, cooked, or brought a prohibited item into our facility, fees will be assessed, and you may be evicted without any refund.
LINEN CHANGING: Your comfort is very important to us. For guests staying multiples nights, bed linen is changed every other day if all personal items are removed from the bed and our housekeepers can access the walkways around the bed. Housekeeping will be happy to change your bed linens sooner than every other day – please ask the Front Desk for service. We hope our guests will assist us in decreasing our environmental impact and water use by reusing towels as much as possible, however, if new towels are needed, please leave them on the floor of your room and we will replace them. Please contact our Front Desk staff if you have any additional questions or concerns.
MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY: Room occupancy requirements are based on fire code/fire safety restrictions. If you exceed the maximum number of guests allowed, you will be asked to rent another guestroom for proper accommodations or vacate the hotel. Room rates are listed for single / double occupancy only
NON-SMOKING: Quality Beach Resort and Spa Patong is a 100% smoke-free in all rooms on balconies are accepted with patio doors closed hotel. For safety and to assure that our facility is not exposed to items or actions that create an odour which is unhealthy and objectionable to our guests and staff, and that is difficult to remove from the air, carpet, walls, and furniture, we do not permit smoking tobacco, marijuana, illegal drugs, e-cigarettes, vape pens, vaping, cartridges containing the liquid of nicotine, hookahs, incense, cooking, cigars, candle burning, the use or diffusing of patchouli oil or other strong-smelling plant-based essential oils or synthetic products in our facility.
Guests are encouraged to notify Front Desk staff immediately if they smell cigarette, marijuana, or other objectionable odours. A minimum fee of THB2000 will be charged for smoking of any kind in our rooms.
NO PARTIES: Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong enforces a No In-Room Party Policy to ensure we can protect the hotel and our guests at all times. No parties, loud disturbances and/or noise-nuisance are allowed or tolerated on these premises. In the event of a disturbance, one polite request (warning) will be given to reduce the noise. If our request is not followed, the guest will be asked to leave the hotel without refund. Registered guest(s) are responsible for all persons visiting. Non-Registered visitors are only permitted until 11:00PM. All guests visiting the property are required to registered with registered guest on arrival If found with more “people” not listed on the Guest Registration Form after 11:00PM, your stay will be considered a party. You will be ordered to vacate the premises without refund and may be assessed a Guest Compensation Disturbance Fee.
ROOM KEYCARDS: Room key cards are issued to the registered guest(s). No room key cards will be issued to youth under 18 at any time. Valid government issued photo identification (Passport or IC/D) is required if you have lost your key card and require a duplicate. Please remove keycards when you leave your room. return all room key cards to Front Desk upon check-out. Failure to do so will result in a penalty of THB300 for each unreturned key card.
VISITORS: Visitors must notify Front Desk upon their arrival. Visitors must be accompanied by the registered guest at all times. As a registered guest, you are responsible for your visitor at all times, and will be charged an Extra Person fee for guests on property after 11:00PM.
CANCELLATION: Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong is not responsible for weather conditions, personal emergencies, or schedule changes. Once bookings are made and/or guest(s) are checked-in, bookings are non-refundable. Any changes regarding the date, room category, duration of stay of your booking will require you to cancel your initial booking and re-book your stay with the hotel.
During Low Season Reservations must be cancelled seventy-two (72) hours hotel time, prior to your arrival date in order to avoid a one (1) night full room cancellation fee. If reservations are cancelled less than 72 hours before the arrival date, a cancellation fee of your first night rates will be charged. If you are staying more than one (1) night, only the first night rate will be charged. If you cancel any reservation, you must obtain and save the cancellation number for your records.
During High Season, Reservations must be cancelled seven (7) days hotel time, prior to your arrival date in order to avoid a one (1) night full room cancellation fee. If reservations are cancelled less than 7 days before the arrival date, a cancellation fee of your first night rates will be charged. If you are staying more than one (1) night, only the first night rate will be charged. If you cancel any reservation, you must obtain and save the cancellation number for your records.
In the event of during certain travel periods (Peak Season) such as New Year, Reservations must be cancelled seven (7) days hotel time, prior to your arrival date in order to avoid a one (1) night full room cancellation fee. If reservations are cancelled less than 14 days before the arrival date, a cancellation fee of your first night rates will be charged. If you are staying more than one (1) night, only the first night rate will be charged. If you cancel any reservation, you must obtain and save the cancellation number for your records.
GROUP RESERVATIONS: Large group / Block reservations must be cancelled eight (8) weeks prior to arrival date. Reservations cancelled after that date may be charged one (1) full room charge plus tax for each room reserved and the balance of their reservations cancelled.
GUARANTEED RESERVATIONS: All reservations must be guaranteed with a valid major credit card. Guests must be 18 years and older. We accept Visa and Master Card. We do not charge your credit card at the time you make your reservations. Your credit card guarantees your reservations. Reservations must be cancelled forty-eight (48) hours, hotel time, prior to your arrival date, in order to avoid a one (1) room night, plus tax, cancellation fee. Reservations will be held until 11:00PM the morning following your scheduled arrival date. If you have not checked in by that time, a “no-show” charge of one room night, plus tax will be charged to your credit card and the balance of your reservation nights will be cancelled. Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong is not responsible for weather conditions, personal emergencies, or schedule changes.
NO SHOW CHARGES: Failure to check in on the scheduled arrival date for a reservation guaranteed with a credit card will result in a No-Show fee being charged to your credit card. You will only be charged the first night, one (1) night’s full room rate plus taxes and the balance of the reservation will be cancelled.
RATES: All rates are quoted in Thailand currency (THB), plus tax. Rates may increase without notice. Rates as advertised on Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong website, or any other website or promotional material are subject to change at any time and may increase or decrease at the hotel’s discretion. Rates are based on single and double occupancy and are subject to availability.
FIRE SAFETY POLICY: The hotel is fully equipped with smoke detectors and emergency evacuation plans on the door of each guest room. Please review this important information.
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY OR FIRE: Please notify Front Desk in the event of a fire or other emergency. A map that shows emergency exits can be found on the back of your room door located in each guest room.
CHANGES & MODIFICATION TO THE HOTEL POLICY / HOUSE RULES: Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong reserves the right to amend, modify, change, cancel, vary, or add to these Hotel Policies or the arrangements and content featured on our hotel website at any time without prior notice. Please check our website regularly for updates to Hotel Policies. Any modification to these Hotel Policies that occurs before your departure is considered a part of your reservations agreement with us. A copy of these Hotel Policies is located on our website, and available from Front Desk staff upon request.
Quality Beach Resorts & Spa Patong reserves the right to amend, modify, change, cancel, vary or add to these Hotel Policies/House Rules or the arrangements and content featured on our hotel website at any time without prior notice. Please check our website regularly for updates to Hotel Policy/House Rules. Any modification to these Hotel Policy/House Rules that occurs before your departure is considered a part of your reservation’s agreement with us. A copy of these Hotel Policy/House Rules is located on our website, in the Guest Room Notebook, and available from Front Desk staff upon request.
Free Cancellation until 3 days before arrival date for low season (1 Apr – 31 Oct),
Free cancellation 7 days before arrival date for high season (1 Nov – 23 Dec & 5 Jan – 31 Mar)
Free cancellation 14 days before arrival date for peak season (24 Dec – 4 Jan)
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